Best Practices for Using Business Process Automation

Business process automation refers to the application of technology to streamline routine, repetitive tasks and workflows that previously required manual operations and intervention.

Business Process Automation tools
img December 13, 2023 | img 10 Min | img Business Process Automation

Business process automation is helping many organizations work smarter by streamlining repetitive tasks and boosting productivity. However, to fully realize the benefits of automation, it is important for companies to implement projects in a structured manner following established best practices. This blog discusses five such practices that are critical to the success of any Business Process Automation initiative. It examines how identifying improvement areas, finding repetitive tasks, prioritizing automation targets, creating a holistic plan and defining clear roles can optimize outcomes. Following these steps in sequence will help lay the right foundation for an efficient and impactful automation program.

What is Business Process Automation?

Business process automation refers to the application of technology to streamline routine, repetitive tasks and workflows that previously required manual operations and intervention. By implementing automated solutions using tools like robotic process automation (RPA), organizations can configure software or virtual bots to emulate how humans perform high-volume jobs. These bots are able to retrieve data from one system and input it into another, trigger responses, move information between programs, and notify managers of exceptions, freeing up employee time for more strategic responsibilities.

Some common business processes that can benefit from automation include data entry, invoice and payment processing, customer communications, contract management, form filling, financial transactions and reporting. Automation helps eliminate human errors, improves accuracy and compliance by ensuring consistency. It also increases speed and efficiency by allowing automated systems to work around the clock without breaks. Overall productivity is boosted as bots can handle routine activities much faster than people. This enables organizations to scale operations easily while reducing costs over time.

What Are The Best Practices In Business Process Automation?

Implementing business process automation can help speed up workflows and improve efficiencies. However, to truly maximize the benefits, it is important for organizations to follow some best practices when automating their processes. This five such practices that companies should adopt for a successful automation project.

Identify areas in need of functional improvement

The first step towards establishing an effective automation strategy is to identify specific processes or tasks that could benefit the most from automation. Organizations should audit their existing workflows to pinpoint areas that experience frequent issues, bottlenecks, repetitive work, manual errors or re-work. Functions that involve excessive paperwork, data entry or reconciliation of information across different systems are ideal candidates for automation. Customer support processes dealing with high volumes of similar queries are another area to focus on. Getting input from employees handling such tasks can provide valuable insights. Once inefficient or problematic areas are recognized, companies can evaluate them on factors like impact on productivity and costs to prioritize the ones with highest optimization potential through automation.

Find repetitive tasks

After identifying processes for improvement, organizations should carefully analyze them to uncover repetitive tasks that occur frequently. Automation works best for standardized, rule-based activities that are performed the same way in a routine manner. Tasks involving manual data entry, report generation, compliance checks, form filling and transaction processing are often highly repetitive in nature. Simply automating such predictable, monotonous tasks can free up employees to spend time on more strategic work. Mapping out each step of a process to pinpoint duties done repetitively helps create an inventory of automation candidates. It's also crucial to determine the volume or frequency of these repetitive tasks to gauge the potential productivity boost from eliminating them through automation tools and software robots.

Prioritize areas to automate

With a list of processes identified for improvement and their repetitive tasks noted, companies must carefully prioritize which areas to automate first. This allows for a structured, phased approach to automation. Factors to consider include the potential time and cost savings, implementation complexity, organizational readiness and strategic importance. Automating functions with the highest volumes of repetitive work often generates the quickest wins. Critical workflows that experience frequent issues or are prone to errors should also be high priorities. It's also useful to start with smaller automation projects that have well-defined scopes before scaling to more complex, enterprise-wide transformations. By ranking opportunities, limited resources can be applied where they will deliver maximum early benefits and build momentum for ongoing automation efforts.

Create a holistic plan

Once the specific processes and tasks to target initially are established, it is important to devise a holistic automation plan that provides clarity and direction. The plan should detail all workflows earmarked for automation, the stages involved to roll them out and integrated timelines showing interdependencies. It must factor in requirements like technology procurement, skill development, changes to organizational structure and governance models. Project management approaches ranging from agile to waterfall should be considered depending on the complexity and size of each automation initiative. Thorough testing and training regimes need scheduling as well. The overarching plan helps determine overall costs, resources and benefits. It minimizes disruption to operations by orchestrating all moving parts seamlessly. With a roadmap in place, progress can be effectively monitored and managed.

Establish clear roles

For business process automation to succeed, it is crucial to establish accountability and set expectations upfront by defining clear roles and responsibilities. Leadership must sponsor initiatives and champion cultural change. An automation center of excellence or dedicated team should own the overall strategy, coordination and management of projects. Subject matter experts from business units need to provide operational knowledge and sign-off on automated workflows. IT will likely play a role in procurement, development and integration. Change agents should communicate updates and train employees on new systems. Individual project owners need to ensure timely delivery. Governance structures are important for making decisions, resolving issues and reviewing metrics. Proper documentation of roles in the holistic plan helps ensure all parties understand their accountability in automating processes efficiently.


Adopting the best practices outlined in this blog provides a solid methodology for organizations to systematically automate their workflows. From auditing current processes to establishing accountability, taking a planned approach guided by these practices ensures automation efforts are targeted to the right functions and delivered efficiently. It maximizes returns on investments through automation by first identifying high-impact opportunities, then structuring multi-phase rollouts. With the right planning and execution, Business Process Automation Company can help transform operations by boosting productivity significantly. Regular monitoring and refinements will further help optimize automated systems over time to consistently deliver benefits.

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